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improved air quality thanks to shutting down some of coal burning power plant

Hello! I wanted to send a message to the Taichung government thanking you for requiring the coal power plant to shut down some of it coal burners. I am not sure if it was your government or someone else who made the ruling, but I am very happy with the result!! I have lived in Taichung for over 10 years and I really hated the smog. It was truly disgusting sometimes and I know that most of it came from the coal burning power plant nearby. I realize that Taichung is kind of "in a bowl" and the mountains trap the pollution over the city, but since they shut down part of the power plant, the air has been so much cleaner! I can see the stars at night, I can see almost all the way across the city, and the air feels and smells fresher! So thank you again for requiring them to stop burning so much dirty coal and ruining our air!! Edward

主旨: 關閉部分燃煤電廠 改善空氣品質
內容: 你好!我想向台中市政府發個信息,感謝您要求火力發電廠關閉燃煤器。我不確定是市政府還是其他人做出這個決定,但是我對此感到非常滿意!我已經在台中生活十多年,真的很討厭煙霧。煙霧有時真的很噁心,我知道它大部分是來自附近的火力發電廠。我知道到台中是一種“在碗裡”的環境,周圍的山會把污染物困在城市中,但因為市府關閉部分電廠,空氣變的更乾淨!晚上我可以看到星星,幾乎整個城市都能看到,空氣感覺和聞起來都更新鮮!所以,對於市府要求電廠停止燃燒許多髒煤及破壞我們的空氣,再次感謝!!

  • 市府分類: 一般行政
  • 最後異動日期: 2020-11-10
  • 發布日期: 2020-11-10
  • 發布單位: 臺中市政府研究發展考核委員會
  • 點閱次數: 216